Tax Maintenance

The Tax Maintenance Configuration area allows you to set up your property’s taxes for state, county, local and federal tax rates.  

Taxes may be set up as a percentage (%) or dollar ($) amount.  Taxes must be set up AS Posting Types.

You may also set up a tax FOR Posting Types to which you automatically want to calculate and post a tax. For example, although sundries is usually a state sales tax, we recommend that you set up an additional tax over and above the one you use for room revenue.

The system comes with three standard taxes: City, Federal, and State.  These can be modified or deleted, and new tax types can be added into the system.


This is part of the required configuration for Skyware Systems and is initially performed at installation for you. You may however edit the configuration to suit your property at any time if you have the appropriate access/authorization.

This selection is part of the Property and System Configuration area of Skyware.



Date Updated April 25, 2022